Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Beat the Rush....

Before all the big retailers start their big time holiday "FAUX-motions" (that's my attempt at a clever play on words for what they do when they mark something so high that they can then mark it down and call it a promotion) -- stop by and check out what's available in Artifacts and around Bruce -- remember, if you buy it here, you get service here. :) Oh, and the latest rather goofy one I've heard is an "After Thanksgiving PRE-SALE" this weekend. Yeah. Still trying to wrap my brain around how you have an after Thanksgiving sale before Thanksgiving!

We have in lots of new lamp sets, some of the cutest shades we've ever had (should have a photo for you tomorrow evening) including one polka-dot green/pink one that is adorable. I will try to get a mini-newletter out this weekend, because I'm expecting some new furniture by then, too.

Come see us! :)