Monday, February 9, 2009

I just KNEW we'd eventually get it done!

I was pooped when Mike & I got back from a buying trip today, but since I'd had several hours alone in the truck to nag him about getting the painting done, and he said, "Why don't we just do it tonight?"-- well, I jumped at the chance!

I rushed down to Spratlin's before they closed and got a gallon of paint and while I was doing that had Brett move allllll the stuff off the wall and allllll the furniture from in front of it and TADA! We had painting room, paint, manpower, and no excuses!!

Actually, it was the perfect time because we have new home decor items we bought today, and another whole truckload coming this week. This way we will have a nice fresh wall to put it on, and I'm happy & smiling about it, so what more could Mike ask for, really??? :)

Brett is sort of ticked at me for taking this photo. I think it's either because he normally likes to be the one taking the photographs or because he just doesn't want anyone to know he knows how to paint in case he's asked to do more of it!