Tuesday, October 26, 2010
I am a distant cousin of Mrs. Claus....

Posted by Artifacts - Bruce, MS at 4:36 PM 0 comments
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Guys .... just want to have fun

Posted by Artifacts - Bruce, MS at 8:11 AM 0 comments
Friday, October 15, 2010
Just Sayin'.....
Gonna be all subtle and suggest you go to www.artifactsbrucems.com and check out the sale page. That's all I'm saying. Not going to force you to go. Not going to mention it again. You didn't hear it from me. I'm being SUBTLE, I tell you!
Posted by Artifacts - Bruce, MS at 7:43 AM 0 comments
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Birds on the Brain or just Bird-Brained??

Posted by Artifacts - Bruce, MS at 6:11 AM 0 comments
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Holiday Open House November 4-7
Welcome to the Holiday Open House preview for loyal newsletter followers! As I said in the newsletter earlier this week, I will be posting updates here as I unpack holiday goodies, and give you updates on the new merchandise that is coming in!
Check back often and email me if you have any questions
Left: Look at these gorgeous turquoise canisters!! I just got them in yesterday, but I've had these pretty brown vases with TURQUOISE drip design for a while now and I think the combination just POPS when they're put together! On the right: HUGE new hammered copper bowl that just arrived. Look, it takes up my whole countertop! Would be so pretty filled with holiday greenery or use it before then filled with pumpkins, gourds, fall leaves, etc.
Posted by Artifacts - Bruce, MS at 8:51 AM 0 comments
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Decorating Tips & New Customer Photos
Posted by Artifacts - Bruce, MS at 8:14 PM 0 comments
Friday, April 16, 2010
The weather is toooooo nice.....
.... and people don't come see me at Artifacts as much when the weather is nice! They're working in their yards. And if I could be doing anything I wanted to do... uh, I'd be working in *my* yard too, so I totally understand. :)
BUT to keep me from going nuts during times like these I rearrange and dust and redo and dust some more and move things and dust and when I'm finished I usually find something I forgot to dust. HA! AND I think about things I could do differently in the store.
One idea is to group furniture items by color. But I'm not sure I like that idea. As a shopper -- would I like the idea of seeing a furniture finish I like & then walking around & going, "Oh, there's another piece with that finish!" and feel like I've discovered something for myself OR would I like things just all in one place? Hmmmmmmm.... I could group funiture items by use - put all the sofa tables together, all the small cabinets together. But same question arises. Better to see it all or enjoy discovering things?
I know what *I* prefer as a shopper and a shop owner, but kind of wonder what my customers feel, so let me know either here or through email.
I also think about lines I'd like to add, and one thing someone suggested in a contest I ran a couple of years ago was a line of Mississippi pottery. I loved the idea, but I still haven't added it.
:( Now that is an item that I would group together, not spread among the other items at the store, so that means before I add it, I have to come up with a dedicated area for it! That means cleaning out a big section of the big shelves and lately I've gotten so many great vintage items and glassware and pottery, etc in that those shelves are fuller than ever!
And then there's bridal, graduation, gift registries. Is there something I could be doing different/better there? What about my sign that I used to put outside on the easel, why don't I use that anymore & where did it go? What theme is my big Christmas window going to be this year?
Seeeeeeeeeeeeee all the directions my mind goes just because the weather is tooooooo nice?? :)
Posted by Artifacts - Bruce, MS at 1:38 PM 0 comments